
My hero.

Let me just state, Meryl Streep is my hero.
She even looks great boucing on beds. It was infectious.

Yes, Mom and I went to see Mamma Mia this afternoon and it actually made my day on many levels. I was not expecting much and was actually rather thrilled at what happened on screen (sans Pierce Brosnan's solos which were awkward but funny)

Firstly, I think, for the most part, the music you heard growing up you like whether you actually love it or it takes you back to times past and brings comfort or a flood of memories. Well, I heard ABBA in the womb and grew up putting these records on and lip synching to all of their songs. ABBA is in the Larson kids genes whether we (and you) like it or not. So I knew all the words to the songs, reverted into choreography from decades ago, and sang right along.
A Record cover of my childhood.
Secondly, Mamma Mia is actually quite a clever little piece (for a musical) and weaves the lyrics to the songs perfectly into this little plot. Then to top it off, the songs were turned right into what they are, fun, cheesy, pop songs with almost ridiculous (but oh so fun) dance sequences. But then to top that off, the most brilliant actress around was having her fun with them and making them Meryl like only Meryl can. She rocked it (and so did everyone else and they didn't even try to make Pierce sound good but it sort of fit anyway)

Thirdly, it was visually enticing but then it is impossible to make the Greek islands look bad or people in the Isles look bad. Sometimes, I long for the days of long hair, tan skin, and turquoise from these days but the details were expressed in sets, the filming, and the costumes. Mom and I love Ann Roth as a costume designer and she had her way with this film as well in the wicked Disco attire and myriad of the fantastical (and hard to come by) Josef Frank textiles (also noted here at one of my favorite blogs) that were scattered all over the place and were perfect against the gorgeous backdrop. Also, be sure to stay after for a treat of costume genius.

Shots from our trip to Greece in 2006.

One of the Josef Frank Prints hanging as linens on clothes lines and looking oh sooo good.

Finally, (in my high school essay), I was nervous they were going to try and take this BIG broadway muscial ( a musical based on ABBA songs which makes it even more nuts) and actually film it in Greece so it felt real but they didn't. It had slow-mo leaps in the air, fuzzy focused filming, day dream sequences, big sychronized dance routines, and all out beefing it up edging ever so slighty on Bollywood.

Leave it all at the door and just enjoy. Meryl can do no wrong and listening to all that ABBA, seeing the beautiful Greek Islands and the lovely colors put me in a very good mood and helped remind me of some the amazing adventures I have had.

A perfect memory.


Let the Good Times Roll said...

Ah - fun memories from our London days and seeing MM several times. Ditto to what you said about the movie. Spence, Lance, and I enjoyed it very much. In fact, several people commented on how they had never seen a baby rock out so much! He especially enjoyed the dancing queen sequence.

Oh and by the way, I love your house. All the projects you guys are doing sound awesome. My brother's wife needs a job, and she'll be back there from mid-august until the following May if you guys need help at the Merc or anything. I am not sure how far they are from you, but if you are looking to hire an adorable girl for anything, let me know!

Chris said...

Sure thing. Email me:


Normal Mom said...

I can hardly wait to go see the movie next week!

Charlotte Rose said...

Hey Chris, I just love this movie, its soo chessy and happy and these actors are really putting themselves out there especially Pierce - I kind of had to look away a few times when he was singing, but good fun. Hope all is well, love lots.
btw - love your Greece photos sooo cool.

Normal Mom said...

I saw it tonight and I loved it! Having seen the stage production and now the movie, I love them both! It was just the release I needed!

maikib said...

you probably don't remember me, but I'm a friend of mckay's from vassar, and i last saw you at mckay and nate's wedding! she turned me onto your blog (although i've been following the snapdragon's blog and your updates!), and i stumbled across this post. i saw this movie with my mom too, and like you, was thrilled with the output! what a fun movie! and you're right... meryl can do no wrong (and not just because she's a vassar grad... haha). look forward to reading about your india adventures!!