
Midsummer flowers and gadgets.

Last week a whole bed of flowers began blooming in front of our house. They are gorgeous and I feel lucky to have inherited them. A stomach virus is going around the family and I have gotten a form of it today, but in happier news, I am the proud owner of a new Mac Book Pro and it is perfection to my fingertips. I didn't know a computer could be so fast and forgot what it was like to not be missing keys. Also, with Lucy's student ID we were able to get an Ipod touch for 100 buckaroos for Mike. It is sweet and sweetness is my weakness. Apple have us twisted around their little finger.
design central i have set up in my bedroom (Inn colors on my board)

my keyboard with new shiny keys


marian said...

Very exciting! I'm jealous, of course.

Sara said...

Ah, the beauty of new Apple products...nothin' better :)


Normal Mom said...

Congratulations! Hafe will be jealous of the itouch, he misses his ipod desperately and has to wait a little while longer before we can get him an itouch. Ah, the good old days of student discounts.
have fun--hope everyone feels better soon!

Chelle said...

How exciting, and I love your design central.