Well we are all signed and agreed. I have the keys and boxes are beginning to be shifted and shuffled. It's so difficult with our schedules and I think it might be the weekend until things settle a bit. I'll get some pix up. I like it more and more. It's small but cozy. The landlords seem nice and relaxed. I think we might be in the Cammocks one or two more nights until we can get the bed over there. I am so excited. It's been so long since we've lived in our own place. I think I posted on this excitement yesterday but it's hard to contain. I am getting ready to head off to school for the afternoon and I have a product photo shoot this evening. School keeps me mucho mucho busy and Mike is still training for his road race with his friend Mark and with his work we are on the go, yo. I'm not sure when we will get a phone but I'd sort of like to just have the internet and forgo phone... but I don't think it's fair to make people call cell phones all the time but I would LOVE to have internet. We'll see. NZ doesn't have super fast cheap internet like you can get in the states. Hmmm. Gotta go to school!
It's time

It's that time of the year...
Random Smattering of Pictures
Mike and I have been staying with our friends Sara and Mark. Sara has been in China so we've been here to help out with their kids where we can. They 've been letting me borrow their digital SLR so I've been snapping here and there.
Some flowers from a walk in the Botanic Gardens
A nicely lit set of keys.
More cool flowers
I serpent like tree branch
Mike getting ready for a bike ride with Mark. They are training for a road race in December
Mike playing with Maya (the youngest of the girls).

The Wanderers
Well, Mike and I are officially back together. He got back up here on Sunday and I missed him sooooo much. It is much better being together again. And we moved into our friends' house (Mark and Sara) for the next 2 weeks while Sara is in China and help take care of their 3 kids in exchange for a room and double bed...We are the great wanderers. We are not quite certain what's going on except that I am in school for the next 9 months. Mike is going for a job interview at a Camera shop tomorrow but he also is thinking of taking summer classes in Accounting...so we're just floating here a bit. It's great being back up in ChCh with family and friends to be with and help us out. So we'll hopefully be solidifying soon but we're happy and doing well. After a couple weeks here, we'll be on the look out for a place to rent. So we'll see.

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