
8 months.

Our girl is 8 months and has her first wee fever. She has a runny nose so it's probably a little virus. She's also has been chewing on her fingers all the time so maybe she has teeth coming. Who knows? She is getting up on all fours and doing some impressive scooting. She likes yogurt, avocado, banana, sweet potato and pears--all fresh. She much prefers it--who wouldn't? She really doesn't like bottled baby food much. I made all of Lars' food but I just can't seem to get it done this time around. I want to be better about introducing more foods to her --add it to the list of things I wish I could get done.   She has started pinching little bits of food on her own now.

She makes the funniest little grunting sounds and she waves. She's got the best giggle that is part laugh/part cry. She was sleeping really well for a while and I was feeling like a human being again but she started getting up more again. She is taking some good naps during the day though. She connects with anyone who shows her attention. She's a social little gal.

1 comment:

Charlotte Rose said...

Oh my gosh, she is getting big - love the montage - such a greta idea to do that : )