
1 year 4 months.

Our walking, talking toddler is 16 months now. He walks all the time but is still working on his balance which occasionally leads him to toddle into walls, chairs, etc. He's robust but always has bruises on his forehead. He's been getting 2 molars this week so both my boys have sore mouths. He has been saying "apple" a lot which we think refers to any food and is pretty cute when he says "dad du" (thank you) when he gives and receives. He has a bit of an issue with big dogs and it is painfully cute watching him breath heavily and wave his hands around in fear. He warms up to them eventually (sort of). He still lights (or relaxes when upset) up and really gets into it when we turn music on or even hum some of his favorite songs . He waves his hands around like he is conducting and claps at the end. I wish either Mike or I were more musical but he seems to have caught right onto the rhythm that can be found. He tries to have little conversations and points out at things and tries to tell you to do something and makes a face like the one in the picture above with wide eyes and a funny grin. I take him down to the Inn everyday and my dad is always ready to get on the floor and play around. He has found every little fun nook at the Inn.


Normal Mom said...

Great update! I'm so sad that I am missing all the first words and walking. I'm sure he is so cute! Love the pictures of him and Dad.

Love you guys!

felicity said...

walking and talking and fearing dogs!! so much happening in his life right now. he's going to be completely different when next we meet and it'll only have been a couple months?!

Rich Vial said...

The kid is a rock star.