
Oh this is what it is like to have a crying baby.

Keeping himself soothed with both hands and keeping warm
in his new leg warmers

Our boy has his first official cold. I think half of the town is sick so it was pretty unavoidable. We took him to the doctor yesterday because he had a bit of a fever and they checked him and he is going to live :) His temp is normal now and he seems a bit less stuffy even. We have been hanging out in our humidified room for the past 2 days :)

But the past 5 days have brought a whole new meaning to crying baby. I didn't realize what an awesome sleeper and relatively un-fussy baby he was until these last few days. To coincide with the stuffy nose and cough, he is also really gassy. He gets really stiff and looks to be in pain but sometimes it is really hard to get him settled or burped. Being a new parent and having NO IDEA what you are doing can be really awful. We eventually find something that either gets the gas out or calms him down-- after we are both at our wits end and our boy is so mad at us that he gives up. It is hard because just a few days ago, the nights were not nearly as dramatic and I rarely woke up Mike.

I learned some baby massage techniques that seem to help a little and he is able to sleep in the swing sometimes because he is more elevated I guess. Who knows? I sure don't but we are figuring it out little by little. I do wish there were directions stamped on his back sometimes though.

This morning he was most content sitting in my lap while I "tried"
to get some work done. I think he liked the light of the screen.

I got my hair cut short short. Pregnancy and breastfeeding
have sucked the life out of my body and my hair has been falling out
besides the fact it was already fried so I just went ahead and cut it off. It was
easy to take care of before but now it is really easy.


Sara said...

Oh, I am so sorry that he is sick...baby massage works well for getting them to either burp or the other...

Rich Vial said...

May be sick, but that kid remains seriously cute.