
Passports and Pandas.

A couple weeks ago we headed to one of our small town post offices to apply for the boy's passport for our approaching trip to New Zealand. Generally it takes all of 2 point 5 minutes to apply for a passport but not when you need to get a head shot of 3 month old. I had fed him just before thinking that would be best and he wouldn't be fussy but instead as Mike tried to hold him steady without being in the picture but also keeping his head bob under control, a fountain of spit shot out in perfect arched projection. The very kind postwoman was patient but also a bit flustered by the Saturday morning job we had brought to her on a normally very quiet shift.

It was like playing a video game trying to get his head to stay within the little box on the camera screen long enough to get the picture. We got one fairly descent shot but when it printed it was over esposed so the one she went with--out of desperation she wouldn't get a better one--is, shall I say, kind of ugly. I don't think it shows the true cuteness of our baby and instead he looks like a hunched grumpy old man. Apparently, they are more lenient with baby shots seeing as how he already looks different than he did 2 weeks ago. Well, he is stuck with it for 5 years. Kind of funny.

the sort of descent shot

The old man baby passport picture.

Halloween Preview:
Lucy, here is the closest thing we have gotten to a baby panda yet.
I will try and get some better pictures of him.


Normal Mom said...

That is so funny! And the baby panda is awesome! So cute!

Sara said...

Passport photos are the worst! But, his is adorable!!! It's not ugly!

He makes a cute baby panda...

Gail said...

silly passport photo taker person, you put babies on the required background on the floor! DUH! lol

cute panda outfit!!

Chris said...

I know Gail--silly passport picture taker but they had this weird polaroid
system. I don't think they do many babies at this rural post office :)

Anonymous said...

i am totally serious the panda photos brought tears to my eyes, real tears. I miss your baby, who knew he would be the one to make all my dreams come true.