Today has been declared "Nie Nie Day" by Design Mom to help support the recovery of super sweet
Stephanie Nielson and her husband who were in a terrible private plane crash a little over a week ago.
Design Mom put a call out for bloggers to have silent auctions to help raise money and we are hosting one at
Tending Snapdragons for a custom Blog header.

There are over 160 other sites hosting auctions as well. All the money raised will go straight into a
fund to help the family (the care of their 4 young kids) and their extensive and expensive recovery. If you go
HERE to the Inn site you can read about our auction and McK has also listed links to
Design Mom where you can find out More about the family and why we care. Its a good time to give if you can. Like Design Mom said,
I'm hoping people are in a public radio mindset. Like when you hear the NPR commentators say: "pledge your membership of only $75.00 and we'll send you this canvas tote bag with our logo on it." You know the tote bag is worth maybe $5. But it's not about that. You're looking for a way to be generous and supportive. And the tote bag is just a bonus.