
My life: at the moment.

my favorite thing: ( I got these shoes at the Silk Road Market in Beijing for 5$ but it was a hard day of haggling...remember that Lucy? I wish I got 5 pair of these very same shoes..yes I do.)
my favorite tool: Wacom drawing pad ( i am getting better with it...I've had it a year thanks to Mike.)
my favorite books: Color and Pattern references...that middle one I got in India and it is brilliant!
my necessary bits and bobs: I finally got a cell phone but I don't know that I can ever give up my planner. I like actually writing and crossing stuff off. Oh and my favorite key chain from Liz.


Gail said...

Oh I soooooooo want a drawing tablet.

I like your self portrait, things of you. Very cool!

Anonymous said...

I have never been so determined to get something so cheap, I guess it kind of worked. Remember how pissed off we were when we realised things were going to cost more than $3, sad day.
I am wearing my gold shoes today for the first time. My black and white ones are both looking a little hammered, but the Gold are awesome, i (surprise) LOVE them!!! Way more that i thought I would.
I can't believe I leave in 10 days, I am kinda sad about it. I was chatting with Matt today and he was trying to get me to stay, which i surprisingly would kind of like to do...? We shall see.
I am jealous of your red shoes, when should we go back?