
Cinco Cosas

Now that I have internet, I want to be part of the crew of 5 things you didn't know about me.

1. I became quite obsessed with Tommy Lee Jones around the age of 14 and it continued for, oh I don't know, years. It has quelled somewhat but whenever I see him in anything, I become, dare I say, giddy.

2. I love eggs. Maybe it's a recent phase ( I think it began it Taiwan where they were 2 cents)but I could be quite content to have a few eggs everyday. Poached, Friend, Scrambled, Boiled, even deviled. But the best combination is with Jonelle's Tomato sauce/relish....it is killer.

3. I have a place in my heart for John Denver's Music. I don't know that I would have this place if it wasn't for my mom (she loves JD) but whatever the reason I could listen to ALL of his music and quite enjoy myself. I did this also as a young lass (while I was obesessing over Tommy Lee, yeah, that's an odd combo Tommy and John) but when I hear the music today, it transports me back to my very own country road. Thanks John.
4. I talk to myself a lot when I am by myself. Really, I do, take my word for it. I have full on conversations with myself about all sorts of things. I've done this ever since I was a little kid.

5. And for a story: One Thanksgiving while I was at BYUH my bestfriend and I decided to hike the na pali coast on Kauai. It is gorgeous. I think it's about 11 or so miles winding along these ridge lines and on about mile 3 I seriously sprained my ankle(turned out I had pulled a tendon )...but I wrapped it tight with my bandana and kept on going up and down those ridges...mostly because I didn't want to end our holiday and go back to school. When I finally took my shoe off, it became the size of a small animal in about 10 seconds and morphed into a purple and pink alien looking thing. Anyway I shoved it back in my shoe and made it out fine but it took weeks for that thing to go down. I happened to be sort of dating( I didn't really ever DATE anyone, not even Mike) this guy at the time and when I came back, he found my purple alien foot that could barely even slip on a flip-flop, very sick. Didn't help the budding relationship perhaps. I wish I had a picture. But here's the coast.

I am going to get Mike to do this later as well.


Charlotte Rose said...

hi Chris welcome to the five things club. Great pictures.
Especially the one of Hawaii, man i miss that place soooo pretty and fun. Oh my gosh how did u even go on walking with a foot that size, u are a survivor Chris heck. Great to see u back on line i like checking your blog out and what a great new camera lense.

Chris said...

Yes, the macros lens is amazing. It's fun to get up really close...got any fun plans for the weekend?

Charlotte Rose said...

Um, I don't know, where ever the wind blows. Nah no we have a few things in mind to do with Lucy.
Probably just the same as in CHCH, visit a few sites etc...
Ur Intern sounds cool Chris lucky u, I wich i knew what I wanted to do? In due time I guess. But for now I am happy to Travel. How are u Travel plans coming along. It feels like ages away buut it not at all consdiering how fast the year has gone already.

Chris said...

I know it's creeping up here fast. We are starting to focus on the money saving and thinking of all sorts of ways to earn. Jobs here and there. Plans are coming along. We've been invited to a wedding in India and my oldest brother and his wife are going to come out to meet us so that is very exciting! I have a stack of books to look at but haven't really and they are due back, oh well, good intentions. Your plans sound very exciting as well and it will be fun to meet up in the UK with you in December! Have a great day!