
Eleven months.

This is the first month where I couldn't get her to sit still for the picture. She is on the move...well actually she stands a lot but doesn't go anywhere. Just stands and squats and stands. Her balance is excellent so it's a matter of time before she realizes she can do more than stand there. She has quite the personality emerging. She likes to get a reaction out of me but either racing over to the stairs for a climb and then trying to get up as far as she can before I get to her (which is not that far but she laughs and laughs) or biting down on my leg with her little teeth. She thinks it's hilarious when I say "ouch". Good times...

She loves a cuddle and certainly seems to scream a bit more than her brother did at this age but can't really remember. She tries to mimic sounds we make and I like sticking my tongue out and moving it around to see her follow. It's cute. She could eat blueberries til she was blue and she likes Cabot sharp cheddar. She still only has her bottom two teeth and I can't see her top ones coming at this point. 

Her and Lars have been playing together a lot more today. He, of course, likes to try and drag her and "love" her but she lets him know what's what with little screams and grumbles so he never gets that far with her. She stands her ground. He is super sweet with her and has been saying recently, "Rocky is the best ever in the world." which is obviously something he has heard said but still cute. 

He had his first day in the big pre-school class at his school and did great then headed to the Barber shop to get his hair cut and sat in the chair totally still all  by himself. He's flourishing in his independence--it's nuts.

These shots are from a couple walks we've taken this week. That first set was taken right before it started POURING sheets of water. Mike has been mountain biking around the trails by our house but last night we walked his route. We are trying to enjoy these last summer evenings before they are a memory. It's been a great summer. 


Leilani Bascom said...

I really like that you like taking photos. Mike is a superdad for carrying both kids on his back/neck.

Anonymous said...

I love these babes, i want to come and visit.