
1 year 7 months

Our boy is talking more these days but we don't understand most of it. He said a word the other day that sounded a lot like "google" which we thought was cool or perhaps sad since we must say, "Google it" a lot. His consonant sounds are expanding and he says "cackuh" for anything treat like to eat. He deliberately tries to tap his foot when he dances now. He's been learning his facial features and body parts which means lots of eye poking, eyelash grabbing, and little fingers up our noses. He is very investigative. Of course as I sit here, I can't remember all the other things he is doing but it's plenty. He plays in the bath longer, likes to perch on top of the pillows on our bed with the calculator; he has his spots. He's got the most amazing high pitch squeal when he wants to get our attention, which is all the time. It's pretty awesome, especially in that car, like our very own dog whistle for the dog we don't have.

He woke up from his nap and is yelling for me to get him so I will add to this later... maybe.


Normal Mom said...

He's beautiful! This is an awesome way to document your boy. Easy and you capture all the highlights without 50 hours of video junk. :)

Sara said...

I love this series of pictures - he is SO grown up now!

Charlotte Rose said...

What gorgeous hair he has, so excited to see you guys: )

Gail said...

Wow, he is so adroable! and my word he's changing into a little boy now. He is losing that baby boy look...

so so cute