We received these woolen overalls in the mail today from kiwi-grandma liz or kima. Basically anything with 2 syllables he'll say in some form so Mike came up with this. Anyway, I saw these very same tragerhose (Leilani told me that means wearing pants in German) at a boutique in Woodstock last year and thought they were pretty sweet. They are super soft. He looked so European to me, today. I guess his name is Lars. Makes me smile.
this makes me and Chris very happy. Rock on Lars.
Dang that bangle just got in the way. Love that he likes just a certain beat.So LArs.
He's so cute! I love that little video.
The German word tragen actually means to carry, so technically, the translation would be carrier trousers. So maybe letter carriers used to wear these, but my thought was carry could be another word for wearing, you know, like carrying your clothes on your body :) They look great on him, regardless!
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