
Mexican Easter

We opted for a Mexican Easter lunch this year (we had traditional Easter food a couple Sundays ago) and I think it might be a new tradition.

The crew before the egg hunt

It was a lovely day--in the mid 70s--a huge contrast to last Easter where the kids were running around all bundled up and freezing. After lunch, the kids had a brief egg hunt and we played a VERY entertaining game of catch phrase. Feces Shovel anyone or what about a peaceable agreement? Our boy seemed somewhat obsessed with stuffing the entire egg into his mouth and that kept him entertained. We were missing the other parts of our family and hope you all had a relaxing day as well. I listened to most of GC this weekend and enjoyed the arrangement of "Abide with me tis Eventide" in the last session which is a favorite anyway but I was filled and I needed to be filled.


paula said...

We also had a great brunch and hunt with the kids here. Thanks for sharing.

Karan said...

love love love Max's AUM (ॐ) t-shirt in the egg hunt crew shot

Charlotte Rose said...

hey Chris - Lars is growing up so fast, he's such a little poser in the last photo - gorgeous boy.

Rich Vial said...

Very fun. I miss this bunch.

Anonymous said...

he should be a baby model