
Quest for baby mittens.

The other day I got out of the house for the first time in my very sick week on a quest for some mittens for our boy who seems to have inherited my poor circulation and also some other items to keep him warm and snuggled as the temperature drops.

We drove to Woodstock to use the gift certificate Harriet and Louise gave me for Noushka (boutique baby store) and the certificate for the Kids resell ship Chelle gave me. Fun to shop when you don't have to pay. The boutique had some beautiful things but even with my generous certificate--we were looking in the sock/booty price range (really wanted the red lederhosen), found some cool stripey socks and boiled wool booties and then scored a nearly new LL.Bean snow suit (fleece lined) at the resell shop. I could tell from the old logo that it was at least 15 years old but doesn't look used at all. Then I found him a nice fleecy striped suit he can wear now. Score for the boy.

But no mittens...all I can find are the little cotton ones meant to keep them from mauling their faces. Those will do for now but they come off so easily. Mittens for babies--any suggestions?


Normal Mom said...

My friend Ursula suggested to get some warm fleecy socks. They'll keep him warm, but they'll stay on his hands.
Good luck! He looks so cute in his little stripes!

Sara said...

I haven't seen any patterns for anything that small to knit - the patterns I'm finding are for 2 or 3 year olds...

And, I am not good at creating a pattern...I'm sorry...

Anonymous said...

I'm looking for the same thing!! Never have been able to find any... maybe i'll have to figure out how to knitt some... I could make some out of fleece. Draw a mitten the size you want and i'll sew it up for you in a jiffy :)

me said...

I'll send you some by the end of the week.