
18 weeks and 3 days.

For the past 18 weeks and 3 days, I have been growing a little person and today I feel like it is official. This technology is incredible and sure puts an end to weeks of worry. Still trying to wrap my head around it.

It has been hard to be excited these last 4 months because we experienced a miscarriage earlier this year and an ultrasound confirmed that so today 's ultrasound was a little nerve wracking because I honestly could not believe there was something inside...but there most certainly is because we have seen him moving and jumping around. The first image we got when Jackie put the wand on my stomach was a perfect little hand and write next to that a little beating heart. Hey, we need hands and hearts. At Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center they do a very extensive ultrasound at 18 weeks to check over 50 areas of the baby and are able to catch 75% of genetic abnormalities in this ultrasound. There was nothing. This little dude is perfectly developing with a very impressive little brain, heart, hands, feet, and everything in between that you can see when they are 9 ounces including his boy parts. No, we don't have a specific name. That we will wait for until he is here with us come July 10 (give or take).

So it is real. It is more mind blowing now than it has been thus far because we have seen him and he is for true god life (as Harriet would say meaning "for real").


sivab said...

I can't believe that I get to be the first to post on this momentous post. Isn't it amazing how much more interesting an ultrasound becomes when it is your own? Mike cried didn't he? C'mon nothing to be ashamed of. :) Congrats to you both. You should know the word verification for this comment is "coching" I like to think of it as KA-CHING baby!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys and excited that you are adding a little boy to the crew. We love boys! So glad all is well.

me said...

this is amazing!
good work team!

i'm going to start knitting something really cool...

Leilani Bascom said...

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO COOL!!!! BEYOND COOL!!! Can you tell I am very excited for you?! And for myself, because I will get to meet the little man. And he's yours! A Cwis and Mike's! Are you showing more, now that small one is growing so well?!

Chris said...

so Ali made me think...with all the talented and cool friends I have all over the place, I will need to have one of those box baby showers. But I am not suppose to plan my own baby shower? Don't really know how those work anyway. Thanks everyone :)

Unknown said...

I think you should plan your own shower.. and I'll be sure to join.

CONGRATS. I'm always so excited to hear when friends are having a boy too.. because I LOVE mine.

You're for sure going to pass as the coolest/hippest mother! Be sure to post photos. That's my favorite part.

I hope you're feeling well.

Sara said...

Guess the knitting needles and quilting needles need to start moving - July, huh????

I am so very happy for both of you - but, you knew I would be. I can't think of any other couple that I feel would be marvelous parents!!!

My love and congratulations to both of you.

Chelle said...

I don't think planning the baby shower will be a problem. That's our job as sister-in-laws. We're on it, if you'd like us to of course.

I do have to say these are pretty good ultrasound pictures. They don't always turn out this well.

Sara said...

Congratulations, my dear. What a road to get here :) So happy for you!

Anonymous said...

So excited!!!! I am so glad it's a boy, you know how I feel about girls, I can't wait to meet him.
Love you guys.

Anonymous said...

Whats the date?

tom and jonelle said...

wow cool images...very excited. great news.

Zillah said...


Karan said...

Is 'happinessing' a verb? It ought to be. I'm happinessing for you right now.

Chris said...

yep. thanks everyone. July 10th Lucy.

Dean and Carly said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Cool pics! I could never make out anything on our scans.

Christian and Kennebec Vial said...

yay! congrats! it's amazing what ultrasounds can do he looks like the cutest little kid. chris and i are super glad that things are lookin good for you guys!

viv said...

How wonderful...and so the circle of life continues on... and on...