
Good lookin' families.

Last week I took some family pix and even though it was really cold outside AND drizzling rain, i think we got some good ones. Yes , K and A, I will get these on DVD for you this week--just need to get some to burn. I swear it is on the to do list tomorrow.


Normal Mom said...

THOSE ARE GORGEOUS! Hafe has the same shirt as JD. You need to just travel around and do all our family pictures.

Sara said...

Those are really good photos! I recognize K80 and her family - but, I didn't know the others were related to you...

Can't make it Tuesday - have another committment...but, I do have 3 hand knit scarves if you want them for the gifts for the teens and moms...Marleigh Savage told me about the thing on Tuesday.

Let Mike know I'm sorry I missed class today - just catching up on sleep and over did it...Last week was rough with Tara being in the hospital all week long...and being a worried Mom i didn't sleep much.

Anonymous said...

Wyatt rocks my world

Anonymous said...

Wow Chris! Those photos are great, i'm so excited to see the rest of them!! Thanks so much again for taking them.

paula said...

Chris these are so superb. k80 you look amazingly beautiful!!. Love the new hair cut. Paula

Vika said...

chris, there pictures are awesome. I wish you live close by so you can take our family picture. Way to go lady