
Steely Blue Eyes.

Tonight the family I am staying with was watching Cars and I mentioned Paul Newman when his, as the voice of Doc Hudson, and we chatted a bit about how much we love him and how I actually had pictures of him up in my room when I was a teenager (he would have been in his 70's then of course the pictures were of him much earlier but he aged VERY well) and his incredible clear blue eyes. He actually said once somethng like "If my eyes should ever turn brown, my career is shot to hell." Not 5 minutes later, I was checking cnn and there the cover story announcing his death. It gave me shivers.

He was absolutely one of my favorites and I have a total respect for his long time marriage with Joanne Woodward, something we rarely see these days in Hollywood. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid tops my list (Newman and Redford at their primes) and Cool Hand Luke will always be a family favorite. "What we got here is... failure to communicate." Actors pass away all the time and I rarely give notice but this one I will miss.


Gail said...

shocking isnt it.
He was an icon.

But you know what I just realised, if you look at that first photo you have of him, and straighten the hair, Mike (your Mike) looks a lot like that, dontcha reacon?!

Jared said...

I just heard about his passing.He going to be missed. I think I have seen Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid a million times. Of course nobody will be able to forget his face, Since it is plastered on salad dressing bottles on store shelves everywhere! Oh and Mike does kind of look like him.

Chris said...

I do agree...Mike has that same very handsome quality. Lucky me :)

Chelle said...

That is crazy you were all talking about him just before you heard about it.

We plan on watching Cool Hand Luke tonight as a tribute.

Sara said...

Yes, I totally agree. I felt like I lost a family member yesterday... He was one of the good guys.