
Monday Morning Clean Up.

The newest flower to bloom in my front yard

The morning fog lifts off the Connecticut River on our morning walk
Mike and Runnemede (Mt. Ascutney in the background)

Liz and Pete off to the their Wellness Week in our car
The little people playing in the late afternoon sun
Chelle's mom (Paula) had us all over for Vietnamese Pho (fuh)
JD and Syd hanging out.
I am off to a good start to the week. Up early, walk, some yoga, some laundry, some work. We don't have internet at our house so I either have to go into the office (where I ususally get sucked into numerous other projects) or can come to the solitude of McK's house and use her office upstairs, that I used for the 5 months we lived here. Feels like home and it is quiet. Just me and my computer and my music. I am off to write a post for the Inn site so be sure to keep your eye on that site as well. We have been really busy so there haven't been heaps of posts, but we try to get one up every week day. Last week Liz and Pete just hung around Windsor and Lucy spent the days with them and took trips to Woodstock, Hanover, and they made it to Boston last week as well. I am sure she will post some pix if she took any. They left yesterday for the Omega Centre to do their workshops. I think Pete will be back on Friday for the weekend. Mike and I are planning to take a nice long weekend with them in September and go to Maine and cruise into Canada and to Montreal. The weather has been gorgeous so lets hope it stays. Off to continue being productive.

1 comment:

Gail said...

how lovely to inherit such wonderful flowers!

Glad all is going well.
