After wandering around the spontaneous flame field, we picked on to sit by. As the sun set, we picked the biggest one to keep us warm. I jus regretted not having smores...at least marshmallows, even hot dogs.

Me, Becca (UK), Tie (Germany), and Nathan (USA)

We sat around for hours just chatting. It was a great night. We had some great company this night and most of our time in Turkey. Tie had been away from Germany for 3 years. He had gone to Central America to do his volunteer service for his gov't, then he went to San Fran to work before he left for Asia and traveled overland from China back to Germany. He had been traveling for nearly a year and had only a couple weeks before returning home so we chatted about his re-entry and the transition zone he was trying to get into as to avoid major culture shock. Nathan was great and chatted to us about his 4 month hike on the Appalachian trail in the States. He also told us about being homeschooled and the methhods his parents took. At one point he said, "We were raised as autodidacs"...there was a pause. Mike was like "What startrek race is that" and Becca thought "Is that a dinosaur?" but he laughed and said, "Sorry, I hate when I do that....(mean dumb people down with his extensive vocab) and told us it meant self-learner. Tie was glad to hear that even we didn't know what he was talking about because he just brushed it off to English as a second language but we assured him that Nathan's english vocab was just VERY good. It was a cool. I just got an email from Becca, detailing her round the world trip. She's in Africa now volunteering in a hospital's occupational therapy dept. and then she's coming over to NZ for a while before heading to South America. So many places and people out there and it was a really fun night that night.

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