Mike got some cool gifties. I made him a wee lil collage of some travel memorabilia all the way from our first meeting in NZ, our honeymoon, our time in Taiwan, our roadtrip in the States, our life in NZ, and our trip to Turkey/Greece this year. Oh The places you go! We've had a blast.

Tom and Jonelle gave him some of those cool rubber clogs...but the knock off one ones that are 10 bucks. Hey, just as comfy and 1/4 the price. I've has my eye on these since they came out in the states a couple years ago but they just came out at the Warehouse (the NZ Walmart) for super cheap. Oh happy day. I got pink ones but I think a size 8 in every single color. Yep.

Every since Mike was little, Liz has wanted to give him a Kite. And for the past couple years she's been joking that she was going to get him one but Mike would get borderline irrate that she waste her money on something like this. She was going to get him at Christmas but he wouldn't have it so this year she finally did it. She included a flingsock which is in the picture above and sort of seems like a modern day sling thing that David (of the Goliath) would use or a colorful sperm. It's quite fun to sling around. Well, Mike got quite an array of goodies...plus some money from Grandma and some blocks of chocolate. It was complete.

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