
After stinging hot 'ladies beach' we headed back to Sezgin's for some cool down time by the pool. While there we met a couple of NZ and chatted to them for ages while Sezgin took some new promo shots for his brochure with us by the pool. So if you ever stay at Sezgin's in Kusdasi look for our horrendously burned bodies by the pool. The couple told us about a place they saw the night before that looked alright (everything in Kusadasi was made for the tourist so not great food) and a guy named Tiger who offered them a deal. So we all headed down.Ok. Tiger on the right and they called the one in the middle Turtle but I don't think that was his real name...Tiger really went by Tiger, as in his wanted real name. He was very energetic and made the experience that much better. Posted by Picasa

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