
The posting continues

Yes, I have added one more island...Milos. Enjoy. I also received in the mail a CD of many more photos of Greece Week 1 from some friends from England so soon you will all be able to partake of those as well. The day has flown by and I find myself having to go to work in an hour but didn't I just go to work??? Tomorrow will also find us back up on the mountain for our 2nd attempt at snowboarding. My body has recovered sufficiently from the first attempt and I think I am ready to give it another go. I wonder if there is a "Snowboard for Dummies" book. I think I might find that useful at this present time. There has also been sufficient time for me to forget how much I really didn't like the first time and I am in the realm of belief that it will be fun again so that's when I know it's time to go. Hopefully tomorrow I can post some pictures if I don't break my wrists or anything.

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