
And we Arrive at ORMOS DESPOTICO (again)

After we left Paros, we decided a good point to get to was Ormos Despotico which we had actually found refuge in that first week. This time we came into the bay by a very narrow and very shallow direction that was said to be not for the "faint hearted" in the Pilot Sailing book...well that sounds like Ben and Ash to me...they seem to like a bit of a challenge when they can get it. We crawled and could easily see the bottom as we came in but no problems...(we did scrape the hull a bit on the way out and that's certainly a way to get your heart into your throat). Also, those cliff edges to the left that you can see Mike and Steve looking at there way far away, well those will have some significance in a couple pictures from now. So you can see how far away they were. Posted by Picasa

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