
So the adventure has begun

Here we are in Dubai waiting for our connection to Istanbul. We've been here for a few hours now with a few more to go. Already I have noticed tha incredible jewelry that I've only ever seen in movies...you know that really rich and intricate gold work?? Well I'm not a gold girl but I want some. Here, Mickey Dees has a speciality called the McArabia....fast food version of a pita bread (kebab) and that was funny. I like hearing and seeing everything in Arabic because it's so different from what I'm used to and this time Mike doesn't even know what's going on sometimes as he could speak the Chinese in our travels in Asia...We flew on Emirates Airlines and it was fantastic. We each had our own lil screen and there were hundreds of movies (old and new) to choose from. With my 15hours I watched Shop girl (great), Rumour Has it (bad), The Weatherman(tepid), Proof (uh.....better than I thought it would be). They even had the best of Johnny Cash so I was very happy traveler. Mike watched 4 Brothers, The Cave, and a bunch of TV shows. Now that's the way to fly across the world. Okay, well that's about it for now. Mike is looking up ferries from Turkey to Athens and it's getting kind of stuffy in the internet cubicle here but I feel like I must use the free internet as much as possible while it exists...it's just too bad that I don't really have much to say. Stop now Chris. okay bye bye

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