
This was funny. It's a bit difficult to see so I will narrate. So we arrived at the locked gate and decided to cross the river and go around but Jonelle, Sara, and Mark took three bikes off the back and started down the road while Tom, Mike, and I were in the truck. Suddenly, this black car sped on up and met them at the gate. Did he have the key? Was he going to help? Well Mike soon realized he wasn't going to helo so in picture #1 we see Mike with his hands raised, "What's going on?" and then we see Mike in #2 crossing the river to figure this thing out. In #3 if you can see the others, things do not look good, and Mike is in intense conversation with this man about the ins and outs of this dealio. But we then see #4 that the others give up and Bike away while Mike continues to converse with the man who will not budge. Later Mike said he could have talked to the guy forever, but we are glad he didn't and we drove the truck back across the river and began the quest for a new tramp. In the end, the guy suggested we not go on the road because it was under construction but we could do what we wanted although he waited to move on until he saw us back across the river. We are planning a trip to Lake Gyon in a couple weeks time when the road is open. Posted by Picasa

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